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Horse with wounds discovered in enclosure

There has yet to be confirmation or denial of a wolf attack. Genetic results might be revealed in two weeks' time at the earliest.

A wolf runs through a forest.
A wolf runs through a forest.

Darmstadt-Dieburg: A Municipality Near Darmstadt, Germany - Horse with wounds discovered in enclosure

A large horse with injuries was found in a paddock in Darmstadt-Dieburg on Tuesday morning. The Darmstadt police suspect that a wolf might have caused the wounds, so they've notified the wolf center and sent a wolf consultant to the scene. This expert is now collecting tracks and taking possible genetic samples from the area. These will later be analyzed at the Senckenberg Institute's Center for Wildlife Genetics in Gelnhausen.

The police spokesperson noted that the horse's life wasn't in danger, and at least one other horse in the paddock in Mühltal-Traisa was unharmed. The horse's owner discovered the injuries on the stallion and informed the authorities.

The results of the genetic analysis are expected to be ready in two to three weeks.

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