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Hoodlums burst into a Dior store.

The suspects tried to speed up and crashed a black SUV into the window of Dior on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm, but their attempted flash burglary was unsuccessful.

Das Auto wurde von der Polizei sichergestellt und zur Spurensicherung mitgenommen
Das Auto wurde von der Polizei sichergestellt und zur Spurensicherung mitgenommen

Attempted robbery with flashlight in Berlin. - Hoodlums burst into a Dior store.

At approximately 3:27 AM on a Tuesday, someone driving a black Nissan X-Trail backed into the display window of the Edel-Boutique.

The power of the collision damaged the window, set off the alarm, and caused the perpetrator(s) to flee. Their exit route and destination remain unknown.

The car was left behind and was taken by the police for forensic analysis. "So far, no witnesses have come forward, so we'll have to wait for the video analysis," mentioned the spokesperson.

Authorities are looking into the incident as a suspected grand larceny case.

Durch die Wucht des Aufpralls wurde auch die Fassade beschädigt
Die Scheibe wurde eingedrückt, splitterte – ging aber nicht zu Bruch!

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