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Holland intends to introduce the strictest asylum regulations yet.

After Geert Wilders' win in the November election, it has taken six months for four Dutch parties to reach an agreement on forming a government. The identity of the new head of government remains uncertain, as Wilders stepped down to facilitate coalition formation.

The Dutch Geert Wilders is planning an asylum revolution
The Dutch Geert Wilders is planning an asylum revolution

Government overhaul featuring Wilders: Drastic policy shift emerges - Holland intends to introduce the strictest asylum regulations yet.

The new government plans to significantly alter their stance on immigration and asylum policies. Wilders has stated his goal is to institute "the most rigid asylum policy ever".

Everything will be made stricter!

A document from the coalition parties indicates: "The Netherlands should always be categorized as a member state with the strictest entry rules in Europe."

"The influx will be deliberately limited"

The new coalition aims to strengthen border controls and make their country less appealing for asylum seekers. The coalition agreement states:

▶︎ "The entire asylum and migration system will be updated, the influx will be specifically curbed and reduced to the greatest extent possible with a comprehensive set of measures, so that a solution is provided for the current urgent situation, making way for those who are genuinely entitled to stay."

▶︎ The Dutch newspaper "Telegraaf" cites from the document: "Temporary asylum applications will be abolished, residence permits will be adjusted, legal assistance with asylum applications will be restricted as much as possible, and repeated asylum applications will be reduced as much as possible."

Deportations "even by force"

▶︎ On the subject of deportations, it says: "People without a valid residence permit should be deported as frequently as possible, even by force."

▶︎ The "Algemeen Dagblad" reports that a new emergency law on the asylum crisis will be passed for a period of two years: "During this period, the processing of asylum applications will be postponed and the reception of those applying for asylum here will be greatly reduced."

Departure from EU policy

▶︎ To achieve this, "an exit clause for the European asylum and migration policy should be submitted to the European Commission as soon as possible". The Netherlands desires to determine its own policy without following EU rules.

In other words: a major confrontation with Brussels is imminent!

▶︎ In addition, the number of foreign students will be restricted and the rules for Muslim calls to prayer tightened. The permanent asylum permit will be abolished.

Apart from the Wilders party PVV, the future governing parties include the right-wing liberal VVD of former Prime Minister Mark Rutte (57), the new right-wing conservative NSC, and the farmers' party BBB.

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