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Hofreiter Suggests Permitting Western Weapons in Russia

Should Ukraine be permitted to deploy Western weapons within the sphere of the aggressor's jurisdiction? The discourse has arisen not only in the United States but also in Germany.

"International law allows an attacked state to attack military targets in the aggressor's country."...
"International law allows an attacked state to attack military targets in the aggressor's country." Anton Hofreiter.

Conflict in Ukraine - Hofreiter Suggests Permitting Western Weapons in Russia

Green Party's European Politician, Anton Hofreiter, supports allowing Украина (Ukraine) to use Western weapons against Russian territory in self-defence. Hofreiter, who is the chairman of the Bundestag 's Europe Committee, shared his thoughts with Funke Mediengruppe newspaper. He stated, "We should not prevent Ukraine from deploying the provided weapons to defend against Russian fighter jets in their airspace." He also added that, according to international law, "an attacked state has the right to target military installations situated in the aggressor's country."

Ukraine has been under attack by the Russian forces, with artillery shelling the city of Kharkiv from Russian territory daily. This includes the use of glide bombs, which can hit targets in 40 seconds. The New York Times reported that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is pushing for Ukraine to be allowed to strike Russian territory with US-provided arms.

Anticipating French President Emmanuel Macron's state visit to Germany, Hofreiter encouraged both countries to increase their support towards Ukraine by supplying better weapons and ammunition. Germany has the financial capabilities, while France has the relevant resources for deterrence, including nuclear deterrents. Hofreiter suggested an EU defence fund of 500 billion euros, to finance up to 30% of joint armaments projects offering 80% of the funding to European companies, and development of infrastructure like roads, bridges, and railways.

Finance Minister, Christian Lindner, sees a lot of groundwork required before providing financial aid to Ukraine. Speaking after a G7 finance ministers meeting in Italy, Lindner said, "It's also essential to minimize the risks for taxpayers." Information suggests that the aim is to reach an agreement during the summit of G7 heads of state in mid-June in Apulia about how to utilize the billions frozen by the Russian central bank for Ukraine's benefit. This plan is being criticized for potentially using future interest income, which could be uncertain due to war developments and potential interest rate changes. The EU has resolved to allocate 90% of accrued interest income to finance military equipment and training, and the remaining 10% for reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure. They forecast earning approximately 15 - 20 billion euros by 2027.

Meanwhile, Lindner assured a willingness to explore creative and intelligent financing methods. However, no specific details have been released. [#Ukraine #Russia #EuropeanUnion #Germany #Finance] (Menungs) [#Ukraine #Russia #GreenParty] (redheadburritos) [#AntonHofreiter #Germany #Finance] (TMTGAyyakkondan) [#Ukraine #Russia #EuropeanUnion] (baseballary) [#Germany #Finance] (Meyset74) [#Ukraine #Russia #InternationalLaw] (CholeraEmergency) [#Russia #Ukraine #GreenParty] (FastestFatLoser) [#Germany #EuropeanUnion #Finance #InternationalLaw] (danishviking) [#GreenParty #FRANCE #Germany] (katamari) [#EuropeanUnion #DefenceFund] (NoDramaToday) [#InternationalLaw #Ukraine] (Rkk97) [#Finance #Ukraine #Germany] (Daniel107B) [#Ukraine #Russia #internationalLaw] (trimmcont) [#Germany #Ukraine #Finance] (6509) [#EuropeanUnion #DefenceFund] (Androvsco) [#Ukraine #selfdefence] (rojoman) [#Germany #France #Ukraine] (INSANE0KUL0) [#Deterrent] (Wreck-It-Troots) [#France #Germany #Ukraine] (SalesExecAgain) [#Ukraine #Finance #WesternCountries] (Vat1484) [#EuropeanUnion #DefenceFund #Germany] (Pubcity) [#InternationalLaw #Germany] (a-creature-named-science) [#Syndophobia] (Jay_Gypsy) [#Ukraine #Russia #Finance] (ComicReliefOrg) [#Ukraine #InternationalLaw] (YmirBluthaven) [#ArmsDeal #WesternAllies] (NoMoreNiceGuys) [#Ukraine #Russia] (TheSuperGenius) [#EuropeanParliament #Ukraine] (SexyBrainyChick) [#EuropeanUnion #EUCommission] (JPNFlag) [#Germany #EuropeanUnion #Finance]

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