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Höcke steps down from the AfD party.

Initially, Karlheinz Frosch (73) managed to clinch three court victories against the Thuringian AfD. Now, he has stepped down from the state parliamentary group as well as the party. His aim was to overcome Björn Höcke (52), a far-right leader and state head, who was recently outsmarted by his...

Der nächste Rückschlag für Björn Höcke (52, AfD) – er wurde von Parteirebellen vorgeführt
Der nächste Rückschlag für Björn Höcke (52, AfD) – er wurde von Parteirebellen vorgeführt

Intense rivalry emerges in Thuringia - Höcke steps down from the AfD party.

In Saalfeld-Rudolstadt's county council, the AfD found itself in an internal conflict that led to two separate factions. This happened due to a power struggle resulting in two different candidate lists. Höcke's initial list faced issues as his chosen individuals were assigned to hopeless positions, while his opponents took more prominent roles. The state association's attempt to reselect the list failed in court three times. With no other option, the loyalists to Höcke formed their own voter group.

This prompted an unusual rivalry: AfD against AfL (Alternative for Saalfeld-Rudolstadt district). Höcke personally advocated for the AfL, initiated expulsion proceedings against the dissidents, and barred them from using the AfD logos, names, and abbreviations.

Now, Höcke is facing the consequences of the party turmoil. The unofficial results from most voting districts show 20.3% for the AfD dissidents and 14.1% for the Höcke-loyal AfL.

Frosch, who had left the party, had likely done so to cause maximum damage to Höcke.

Frosch shared his thoughts, stating, "Höcke is a father figure for the radical right-wing faction of the party, but his actions do more harm than good. The party leadership also wishes to remove Höcke from power, but they are hesitant to do so as it would likely lead to the party's division."

Der Landtagsabgeordnete Karlheinz Frosch (73) hat den AfD-Machtkampf in Thüringen gegen Rechtsaußen Björn Höcke (52) an der Wahlurne gewonnen

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