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Höcke intends to discredit Cathy Hummels.

Cathy Hummels, aged 36, shared a Nazi phrase on Instagram recently.

Influencer Cathy Hummels probably missed out on the Höcke trial
Influencer Cathy Hummels probably missed out on the Höcke trial

Your email features a slogan associated with Nazism! - Höcke intends to discredit Cathy Hummels.

The influencer and television host posted a picture of a soccer event as part of a marketing collaboration and composed below it, "This will be a fabulous adventure. All for Germany!"

What she apparently failed to consider was that the Thuringian AfD leader Björn Höcke (52) had just been fined by the Halle district court due to this phrase. The allegation: Höcke had intentionally used the phrase of the Sturmabteilung, the paramilitary fighting organization of the NSDAP, in a speech. This is a crime under §86a.

A considerable uproar descended upon Hummels following the thoughtless post. She removed the image and communicated to RTL, "Embarrassment upon me, I did not notice the coverage of the Höcke trial and the Nazi slogan in it and did not understand his background. I immediately erased it and expressly distance myself from far-right extremist slogans and parties such as the AfD."

Höcke also asserted he was unaware of the origin and purport of the slogan! However, the court did not concur.

Höcke is now exploiting the overlooked post and initiating action against Hummels! He announced on "X" that he would press charges against the influencer.

"Dear Ms. Hummels," said Höcke, "regrettably, I will have no choice but to report you to public prosecutor Brenzler in Halle. Not because I have any issues with you, but to bring the absurdity of the verdict against me into sharp relief."

Hummels deleted the post - and now still faces consequences

Höcke's legal team filed an appeal with the Halle district court on Wednesday. The case is now going to the Federal Court of Justice. The court will merely examine the ruling for legal violations - no further evidence will be considered.

However, the public prosecutor's office in Halle has yet to become aware of any charges against Cathy Hummels. "We are not (yet) aware of any such charges," responded an inquiry from "t-online." Even if Hummels' post constituted a criminally relevant statement, it would need to be "processed by the public prosecutor's office responsible for the jurisdiction of the respective individual." And that would not be Halle.

The lawsuit is doubtful to be successful, as Hummels has dissociated herself and removed the statement from her profile.

Hummels never would have anticipated that a seemingly innocuous European Championship posting would put her in association with the Höcke verdict, whether or not she was sued ...

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