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Höcke challenges court decision

A speedy decision: AfD right-wing extremist Björn Höcke was fined €13,000 by the Halle regional court on Tuesday. The following day, his lawyers filed an appeal against the penalty.

Quick, quicker, Höcke. The AfD politician's lawyers applied in writing for an appeal just hours...
Quick, quicker, Höcke. The AfD politician's lawyers applied in writing for an appeal just hours after the verdict

A 13,000 euro fine is issued for displaying a Nazi slogan. - Höcke challenges court decision

One week after the verdict announcement, on May 21, the legal validity of the decision made by the 5th Criminal Chamber at Halle Regional Court (Saxony-Anhalt) regarding Thuringian AfD leader Björn Höcke may be invalid. This is because the application was received by the district court registry on May 15, as confirmed by court spokeswoman Dr. Adina Kessler-Jensch.

The defense attorneys for Höcke will have time to explain their motion afterward. First, the criminal chamber presided over by Judge Jan Stengel (62) will have to compose a written judgment. Only then can Höcke's lawyers submit their appeal to the court.

Höcke was sentenced to a 13,000-euro fine on Tuesday for using a prohibited SA slogan by the criminal court. In addition, he would also be responsible for the costs of the entire proceedings if this decision holds, which would also give him a criminal record.

Court spokeswoman Dr. Adina Kessler-Jensch confirmed receipt of the application for an appeal

If an appeal is filed, the entire proceedings will not be reopened by another court, nor will the circumstances of the crime be re-evaluated. The judgment will only be reviewed for legal mistakes. Therefore, the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe will be responsible for the review if the decision comes from a regional court.

The three Höcke lawyers were not only in a hurry to get out of court on Tuesday. They were also quick with their appeal. From the left: Ralf Hornemann, Dr. Ulrich Vosgerau (with baseball cap), Philip Müller (with trolley case)

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