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Hertha's famed graffiti goes unpaid by Boateng sibling.

Damien Wandbrand (39), a street artist, was hired to create a graffiti on a wall for a Hertha soccer event. Despite this, he was not compensated for his work.

Dieses Wand-Graffiti (2x5 Meter groß) für ein Hertha-Fußballturnier sprayte der...
Dieses Wand-Graffiti (2x5 Meter groß) für ein Hertha-Fußballturnier sprayte der Street-Art-Künstler Damien Wandbrand (39)

Attorney summoned - Hertha's famed graffiti goes unpaid by Boateng sibling.

A friend contacted me on George Boateng's behalf last year in September. He aspired to have a massive comic-style mural with a Berlin influence created for the Hertha Street Cup 2023 - a youth street competition.

George Boateng's Background as Rapper BTNG

George Boateng (41) is the half-brother of renowned footballers Jérémy (35) and Kevin-Prince (37) Boateng. All three launched their careers with Hertha BSC's youth team. In contrast to his brothers' transition to senior teams and becoming professionals, George embarked on a path as a rapper under the moniker BTNG.

Damien from Wedding shares that when George reached out to him on the phone, he mentioned being a youth coach at Hertha. However, per Hertha, George Boateng does not function as a coach but serves as a communication mediator between coaches, players, their parents, and advisors of Hertha Academy's players.

Soon after, Damien created the artwork over the course of three days, showcasing two Berlin bears playing football, and a "Hertha Close Cup" inscription in between on wooden pallets. The artist incurred expenses amounting to 250 euros for the materials.

George Boateng shared a video on Instagram, capturing the artwork being sprayed. In a second image, he stands beside Nader Jindaoui, a Hertha player.

Outstanding Payment of 650 euros

"George Boateng owed me 650 euros for the mural. I was told he'd personally provide the payment," mentions Damien. "He continually teased me with more potential commissions."

George Boateng (41) ist der Halb-Bruder von den berühmten Kickern Jérôme (35) und Kevin-Prince (37)

Throughout this time, Damien persistently asked about the payment, with Boateng even proposing a payment plan. "However, instead of a reply, I was blocked on Instagram by him," says Damien.

In January, Damien sent a bill to Hertha's administration office. Despite this, he received no response. Eventually, he enlisted a copyright lawyer's assistance. The lawyer forwarded another invoice in February. Still, there was no response.

George Boateng refutes these claims: "I've never come across this bill if I were to pay it."

How Hertha BSC Deals with the Graffiti Dispute

At present, Damien is stationed in New York, where he's creating a mural for the Museum of Urban Art. His lawyer reveals, "If George returns, he's considering filing a lawsuit against George Boateng." This alleged friendly scam will then result in expenses surpassing 1382.50 euros, including legal fees for court procedures.

Hertha BSC's public relations representative, Vera Krings, comments, "We're sad that the artist hasn't received payment for his work. It seems to have turned into a bureaucratic error within the company. Hertha BSC will address this issue and restore peace for both parties."

The masterpiece remains distinctive and can be found at Hellweg-Baumarkt on Yorckstraße.

Der Street-Art-Künstler Damien Wandbrand (39)

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