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Hertha managers conference with Leitl in Munich.

The pair reportedly met with Hannover's head coach Stefan Leitl in Munich at the end of the week. Leitl resides in Munich and is currently recovering there on a vacation.

Hannover-Trainer Marcus Leitl (l.) im Gespräch mit Herthas Lizenzspieler-Boss Zecke Neuendorf
Hannover-Trainer Marcus Leitl (l.) im Gespräch mit Herthas Lizenzspieler-Boss Zecke Neuendorf

Seeking a professional coach. - Hertha managers conference with Leitl in Munich.

The process of finding a new coach for Hertha is becoming more and more like chewing gum. It's taking longer and longer to decide who will replace Pal Dardai (48).

At the members' meeting on Sunday, sports director Benjamin Weber (44) said, "We can't announce anything yet. The members' meeting comes too early. Let me remind you, we announced that we would finish the season with Pal Dardai on June 9th."

This means that Hertha's management can't reveal the identity of their new coach right away. Weber and licensing manager Zecke Neuendorf (49) are still heavily involved in talks and negotiations.

Besides Leitl, who had a successful season finishing 6th place, there's also Nuremberg coach Christian Fiel on Hertha's top list of possible candidates.

Will there be a third person in the mix? Hertha's sports officials are taking their time to make the right decision.

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