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Helicopter saves 63-year-old employee from forest predicament

A forest employee (63 years old) went through a shocking experience while working at Jettingen's forest (in Günzburg district). He tried to chop down a tree that had already been cut down using a chainsaw.

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Bavaria: State in Germany with Munich as the capital. - Helicopter saves 63-year-old employee from forest predicament

The police reported that a man was severely injured when a massive, six-meter-long tree trunk unexpectedly rolled downhill and dragged him along for twelve meters. The victim was left motionless on the ground beneath the heavy log. Immediately, a witness contacted emergency services.

The rescue team opted to utilize a helicopter for the recovery in the challenging topography. The man was securely hoisted into the helicopter and airlifted to a hospital. Upon arrival, he was rushed to the intensive care unit with a tragic skull-brain injury.

Police in Waldkraiburg now work to uncover the origins of this tragic incident. While they have uncovered no evidence of outside involvement thus far, the investigation is still underway.

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