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Have you visited the origin point of the Titanic?

For many years, the town of Belfast was recognized for its issues. It was plagued by IRA activity, religious battles, and high unemployment rates. Adding to its sorrowful history, the Titanic, an infamous vessel which was constructed at Harland & Wolff's shipyard, met its unfortunate demise in...

Auch Queen Elizabeth war ein Belfast-Fan. Links das Titanic Belfast Museum, eine der größten...
Auch Queen Elizabeth war ein Belfast-Fan. Links das Titanic Belfast Museum, eine der größten Tourismus-Attraktionen

Queen Elizabeth also loved Belfast. - Have you visited the origin point of the Titanic?

Today, Belfast - the capital of Northern Ireland with a population of 350,000 people - is once again flourishing. A major factor in its revival has been the popular television show "Game of Thrones." From 2009 until its end in 2018, filming for the series took place in the modern "Titanic" studios located at the old port. These landscapes (with their castles and coasts) have become a major tourist attraction. Belfast is back in vogue!

Fly to Belfast from various German airports for around €150.

Gebaut in Belfast: Die Titanic sank auf ihrer Jungfernfahrt über den Atlantik, nachdem der Dampfer mit einem Eisberg kollidiert war

Belfast's Top Sights

Hingucker am Hafen: Das Titanic-Museum auf dem ehemaligen Werftgelände am Hafen von Belfast

The "Titanic Museum" - located in the gloomy harbor area - is a significant attraction. The building, designed by renowned architect Erich Kuhne, is adorned with 3,000 aluminum panels. On six floors and covering 14,000 square meters, the story of the ocean liner is told through artifacts, multimedia presentations, and souvenirs. Admission fee: €30.

Nur eine gute halbe Autostunde von Belfast entfernt: wunderschöne Strandabschnitte wie hier „Helen’s Bay“

Bathing: Belfast is situated right by the mouth of the Lagan River, leading to Belfast Bay and then to the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Ireland. An excellent option for amateur sailors or luxury liners. For relaxation: nearby are beautiful coastal regions and beaches (average temperature in June: 17°C). Just 15 kilometers away is Helen's Bay Beach.

Belfast am Fluss Lagan galt viele Jahre als Konflikt-Zentrum. Heute ist die nordirische Hauptstadt zu einem Anlaufpunkt für Touristen aus ganz Europa geworden

Exploring: Belfast's own history is reflected in its walls. This city features the "peace lines" - separate Unionist and Nationalist neighborhoods during tumultuous times. You can visit these wall remnants either on foot, by bus, or taxi.

Kleine Gassen, urige Pubs: Traditionell wird in Belfast viel Guinness getrunken. Ein Pint (rund 0,56 Liter) kostet knapp 6,50 Euro

Partying: Centuries-old pubs populate the city. Some open as early as 11:30 am (closing time: 1 am). The youth of Northern Ireland look up to American nightlife. On many iconic sites (for instance, the "The Duke of York" pub), there are rooms behind the bar where live music plays every day. A pint (around 0.56 liters) of Guinness typically costs €6.50.

Genossen auf dem Trademarket in Belfast auch schon Drinks und Törtchen: Prinz William und Kate

Dining: Enjoy local delicacies like carrot cake, apple cake, and apple wine, as well as quality meat from cattle that graze on lush meadows. Not to be missed: the Trademarket on the Dublin Road in the city's heart. This sweet excursion is definitely worth it. Exceptionally delicious: the "Selection-Box" (approximately €30), featuring blueberry, hazelnut, and raspberry cookies.

Auch die damalige Queen Elizabeth II. kam schon nach Belfast, um sich die Studios der „Game of Thrones“-Drehs anzuschauen

Daydreaming: The filming for "Game of Thrones" across Belfast's studios and surroundings has left behind eternal images. Even Queen Elizabeth II (96 years old) visited the set.

You can explore the original sets, props, and locations of the series approximately 40 kilometers south in Banbridge. To fully immerse yourself in the world of the phenomenon: around €35.

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