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Has anyone spotted Lea Sofi (11)?

At ten in the morning, the 11-year-old girl silently departed from her parents' residence, leaving no signs of whereabouts.

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A teenager has gone missing. - Has anyone spotted Lea Sofi (11)?

Preliminary estimates suggest that the teen could be residing in Offenbach am Main, Hesse. Here's a description of the missing individual:

▸ Approximately 1.70 meters in height

▸ Approx. 70 kg weight

▸ Latest sighting involved a black cardigan (reaching her knees), a white shirt with a black 'London' print, and white Nike shoes, along with a black small handbag featuring a golden strap

▸ Appears older than her actual age

If you have any details regarding Lea Sofi's whereabouts, contact the Frankfurt police at 069/755-11200.

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