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Harsh stabbing of a critic of Islam in Mannheim.

A violent knife attack occurred in Mannheim on Friday.

The attacker with his murder weapon
The attacker with his murder weapon

Police take down attacker - Harsh stabbing of a critic of Islam in Mannheim.

In a series of videos circulating on social media, a man mysteriously attacks another individual who is speculated to be Islam critic, Michael Stürzenberger (59). The act of violence happened at the Mannheim marketplace.

Before the attack, Stürzenberger took part in a rally organized by the Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa. It was reported that the incident transpired around 11:35 am based on police records.

Whilst bystanders attempted to intervene, they were unable to hold down the knife-brandishing aggressor, who then assaulted a law enforcement officer. As a result, the latter was injured in the back.

A police representative from Baden-Württemberg confirmed what occurred at the scene, indicating no danger to other participants. No details have been provided yet concerning the degree or gravity of the injuries.

Various emergency crews, along with a rescue helicopter, are still at the location. Train service between the Kurpfalzkreisel and Paradeplatz remains suspended.

The Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution had kept tabs on Stürzenberger from 2013 to 2022 because of his association of Islam with fascism. The 59-year-old has had two convictions in his past. Firstly, he was found guilty for making derogatory remarks about the police. Secondly, he was subject to punishment for roadside verbal assaults against and humiliation of religious teachings.

The attacker with his murder weapon
The attacker storms towards his victim with a knife in his hand

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