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Harburg harbor experiences a metal scrap fire.

Since early Thursday morning, a massive heap of scrap metal has been ablaze in Hamburg-Harburg's 2nd Hafenstraße. The fire department estimates that around 60 tons of metal are burning and approximately 70 firefighters are at the scene attempting to extinguish the flames.

A huge cloud of smoke drifts over Hamburg
A huge cloud of smoke drifts over Hamburg

Smoke cloud warning issued by fire authorities. - Harburg harbor experiences a metal scrap fire.

Hamburg - There's been a scorching heap of junk metal ablaze in Harburg harbor since early morning. The fire brigade issued a warning about the towering column of smoke through popular apps!

Firefighters have been dumping countless liters of water onto the inferno, with a fireboat playing a part, too. Around 5 AM, residents were alerted to the looming threat of the smoke haze via Nina and Katwarn alerts: "Choking smoke from a burning assembly could be hazardous in the Hamburg-Heimfeld district. The smoke cloud is sloping towards the northeast. The following regions are at risk: Heimfeld, Harburg, and Wilhelmsburg."

The firefighting efforts are still underway. More details later on Bild.

60 tons of scrap metal on fire in the port

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