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Hamburg allocates three million for foreign law enforcers.

Attempted murders, kidnappings, large-scale protests, and high-stakes soccer matches strain Hamburg's police resources to their maximum. Help sometimes arrives from external sources, but it comes at a price.

The police escort the participants of a demonstration.
The police escort the participants of a demonstration.

Implementations or rollout of something new - Hamburg allocates three million for foreign law enforcers.

Over the past two years, Hamburg police have received support from external emergency services at major events, with costs totaling approximately three million euros. In response to a query from the CDU parliamentary group, the Senate has listed 29 deployments in 2022 and 2023, which required over 8,300 police officers from other countries or the federal police. These events included demonstrations, high-risk soccer matches, and other major gatherings.

One of the most significant deployments was for the central celebration of German Unity Day on October 3 last year, with a whopping 2,325 foreign police officers providing security, resulting in costs of 1,012,731.89 euros - the most expensive deployment in recent years.

In second place for expenditure was the climate camp, held in Altona Volkspark in August 2022. Climate activists and left-wing groups spent a week there, highlighting the effects of the climate crisis and protesting against capitalism. This event required more than 1,500 external forces, which came at a cost of over 700,000 euros.

For the city derbies of the second division soccer clubs, HSV and St. Pauli, between 400 and 500 external forces were deployed each year, totaling around 130,000 euros per derby. Similar costs were also incurred for high-risk matches between the Kiezkicker and Hansa Rostock.

The Senate's response does not provide any cost breakdown for the large-scale operations related to the attack on a Hamburg congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in March 2022 and the hostage-taking at the airport last November. However, it notes that 52 and 124 officers from other federal states or the federal police supported their Hamburg colleagues in these incidents.

Lastly, the most significant amount of support from outside Hamburg this year was provided during the match between HSV and St. Pauli, which garnered promotion to the first division at the Volksparkstadion on May 3. Although no costs could be shared, it's mentioned that accounting has yet to be settled.

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