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Halstenberg triumphs in friendly competition with a friend.

Together, they guarded the Hannover 96 defense closely.

Marcel Halstenberg returned from RB Leipzig to his Hanover home in 2023
Marcel Halstenberg returned from RB Leipzig to his Hanover home in 2023

96 Academy Hosts Baller Competition - Halstenberg triumphs in friendly competition with a friend.

Following the season's finale against Kiel (1:2), pals Marcel Halstenberg (32) and Phil Neumann (26) couldn't get enough of each other.

Before jetting off to Mallorca, the duo hung out at the "Baller Challenge" in the 96 Academy with Shahin Faridonpur, a talent coach at Eilenriede, and Hassan Jaber, who thought up this unique competition.

The foursome shared the hilarious goal competition on Instagram, where Neumann came up short - he failed to score even a single goal. He shared his thoughts about his disappointing performance: "It was more a matter of bad luck than anything else..."

The game involved placing three goals in a row, with one point awarded for successful shots on goal number 1, two points for goal number 2, and three points for goal number 3 (the farthest away).

Halstenberg outscores Neumann in the friendly duel!

Marcel Halstenberg, a star for 96, earned four points, as did Shahin and Jaber. His well-hit volley into the back of the net was absolutely impressive!

Poor Neumann lost, resulting in the winners playfully slapping his ears. The footballers and bystanders had a blast.

Halstenberg's wife, Franziska, left a comment on the Instagram post: "I can still hear the sound of Shahin's flicks in my ears."

Halstenberg, Neumann & Co. will have four more weeks to enjoy their summer vacations. Performance tests and medical exams are scheduled for June 20 and 21. On June 22, they'll take a day off, followed by official training on June 23.

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