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Goodbye April warmth: temperatures up to 28.3 degrees in Saxony-Anhalt

Mild weather and now partly summer temperatures can be expected. The thermometer saw a significant increase in Saxony-Anhalt at the end of April. How will May begin?

A faded dandelion stands on a meadow in the sunshine.
A faded dandelion stands on a meadow in the sunshine.

Current meteorological conditions - Goodbye April warmth: temperatures up to 28.3 degrees in Saxony-Anhalt

April's unpredictable mood in Saxony-Anhalt concluded with summer-like temperatures. Some areas experienced warmer temperatures on Tuesday than any other April 30th before. These preliminary figures from the German Weather Service were announced in the evening.

Jeßnitz, north of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, saw the highest temperature of 28.3 degrees, with Demker in Stendal district coming in close behind at 28.0 degrees and Köthen with 27.0 degrees. These were the highest April 30th temperatures ever recorded in these places. The Brocken had a temperature reading of 18.0 degrees. All other Saxony-Anhalt locations saw warmer-than-normal temperatures over 23 degrees.

The German Weather Service predicts ideal weather for outdoor activities on May 1. It's expected to be sunny and dry, with highs of 24 to 28 degrees and 19 to 24 degrees in the Harz Mountains. Thursday will also start off sunny, but rain showers are expected in the Harz Mountains and southern areas of the country in the afternoon and early evening. Temperatures will range from 23 to 28 degrees, with 16 to 24 degrees in the Harz Mountains.

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