Due to pandemic restrictions and financial management strategies. - Goodbye after 20 years: Green moves to FDP
What led to the switch from the Greens to the FDP in Dusseldorf for Martin-Sebastian Abel? He mentions that his liberal views no longer fit with the party and it's partly because of the Coronavirus situation. "I had some reservations, especially when it comes to how kids and young people were affected by lockdowns. To me, being healthy isn't just about not having COVID-19, but also staying mentally healthy in spite of all the restrictions," he says.
Another factor was how scientists were treated in pandemic-related conversations. Some who pointed out that there was not one single truth and we learn something new every day were brushed off.
A third issue is the notion that getting into more and more debt, such as for education, will solve the problem. Abel states, "This policy just doesn't work. Its effects don't convince me."
Abel has now joined the FDP in Dusseldorf, where the local FDP chair is Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (66), someone he's known from local politics for a long time. Abel makes it clear that running for political office is not on his agenda. "My career is in the economy and I enjoy my job. My focus is on my core beliefs and fighting for the democratic values, which are being pushed hard in these times."