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He is actually a goalkeeper - but during the test in Jüchen, Tobias Sippel hit the net as a striker
He is actually a goalkeeper - but during the test in Jüchen, Tobias Sippel hit the net as a striker

A 5-1 triumph in Jüchen - Goalkeeper Sippel provides the thrilling finale!

Gladbach's experts participated in their final trial on Tuesday, defeating regional league side Viktoria Jüchen-Garzweiler 5:1 in front of approximately 1,500 spectators.

Seoane, the team's coach, did not include some of his players on the roster, as they had international matches or the European Championship coming up. This list includes Jonas Omlin, Manu Koné, Ko Itakura, Stefan Lainer, Maximilian Wöber, Joe Scally, Nico Elvedi, Franck Honorat, and Robin Hack.

Nathan Ngoumou quickly added a second goal, putting his team up 2:0. At halftime, Seoane introduced some promising youngsters, who immediately made a difference.

Kilian Sauck scored a stunning goal moments after coming in as a substitute to make it 3:0. Despite the amateurs' consolation goal, Winsley Boteli, who has scored numerous times for the U19 team, netted his first professional goal, resulting in a 4:1 advantage.

Through Gladbach's app, supporters may participate in a survey about Roland Virkus.

While Tobias Sippel delivered the game's most spectacular moment. The substitute goalkeeper, who had played in the first half, was replaced by Shio Fukuda before the match's conclusion, and scored to secure a 5:1 victory.

Farewells were said to two Gladbach legends at the trial, as their professional careers may have come to an end. Patrick Herrmann and Tony Jantschke were honored by the fans at their previous Bundesliga outings against Frankfurt and Stuttgart, though only Herrmann was present on that occasion.... However, it's likely that they'll play one more game together, but this time in the Hennes-Weisweiler traditional team.

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