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Glider Accident Results in Casualty

On Whit Monday, a dramatic crash occurred.

A large contingent of police and emergency doctors were deployed at the Malsch glider airfield...
A large contingent of police and emergency doctors were deployed at the Malsch glider airfield after the crash

Incident occurring close to Karlsruhe. - Glider Accident Results in Casualty

Around noon, a glider went down near the Malsch glider airfield in the Rhine-Neckar district.

As reported by the police, the glider crashed in a wooded area between Malsch and Bad Schönborn at approximately 12:15 p.m. The pilot was successfully extracted from the wreckage by rescue teams. Initially, the extent of his injuries and whether they were life-threatening remained uncertain. He was then airlifted to a hospital via a rescue helicopter.

It's possible the plane took off from the glider airfield, but this detail hasn't been confirmed yet.

What led to the crash is still unknown

Further specifics, such as what caused the crash, were initially undisclosed.

The glider pilot crashed into a wooded area near the glider airfield and was rescued seriously injured

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