Tanja May, the show director, shares her thoughts. - Gil Ofarim ridicules his targets anew.
I truly believe that Gil Ofarim (41) doesn't possess a sincere desire to make amends or feel shame. Otherwise, he would be ashamed of his own actions, something any respectable individual would experience.
In the month of November 2023, Ofarim admitted before the Leipzig District Court that he knowingly deceived others for over two years. In the autumn of 2021, he publicly vilified an innocent hotel manager, claiming they had insulted him in an anti-Semitic manner. Ofarim filmed himself outside the hotel, on the verge of tears, and shared the video online.
This entire incident was a fabrication! The case was dismissed, and Ofarim was issued a laughable fine of 10,000 euros. Half of it was intended for the Jewish community in Leipzig and the other half for the organization managing the Wannsee Conference Centre. He was given six months to cover the fine.
What's shocking is he sought an extension on the time given to pay, and now has until August 28 to settle his debts. This is another affront to his victims. Genuine remorse manifests differently. If he couldn't come up with the cash, perhaps he would've pawned his car or resorted to borrowing. Decency demands such actions!

The court would have allowed him to repay the fine over time, which Ofarim never requested.
So, why doesn't Gil Ofarim take to the streets now, post a video, and sincerely apologize to his victims? To the hotel, its staff, and Jews all over the world? Undoubtedly, the video would've garnered as much attention as it did at first. But he just doesn't possess the requisite greatness.

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Source: symclub.org