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Germans show increasing support for mandatory military service.

There is significant discussion regarding the reinstatement of mandatory military service.

February 2024: Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (right) talks to a tank crew in front of...
February 2024: Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (right) talks to a tank crew in front of the General Field Marshal Rommel Barracks

Pistorius plots to overthrow the Bundeswehr. - Germans show increasing support for mandatory military service.

### Is the GroKo Now Considering Mandatory Military Service?

Wüstner stresses the need for fast action: "It would be beneficial if we could reinstate registration and conscription as soon as possible."

Military historian Sönke Neitzel (55) from the University of Potsdam agrees: "It's evident that the Bundeswehr can't protect the nation and the alliance without any form of mandatory military service. Therefore, it's the government's responsibility to make the necessary decisions now, rather than continuously postponing difficult choices."

What are Federal Defense Minister Pistorius' Plans?

Boris Pistorius' (64, SPD) three models are as follows:

► 1. Improving the current situation: more volunteers will be recruited through early contact with potential recruits.

► 2. Reinstating traditional mandatory military service for men to attract 30,000 to 40,000 recruits annually.

► 3. Making both men and women subject to mandatory conscription. This would necessitate an amendment to the Basic Law. Pistorius aims to pick an option by June.

Military historian Sönke Neitzel believes Germany cannot defend itself without the reintroduction of compulsory military service

With 30,000 to 40,000 recruits, says military historian Neitzel, "the critically important homeland security regiments could be established to safeguard the critical infrastructure during tensions and defense."

What does the CDU/CSU want?

The CDU established its new basic program in Berlin early this week. It mentions: "We will gradually revoke the suspension of compulsory military service and transform compulsory military service into a year of service in society." Until this is implemented, "contingent military service" should be introduced. Contingent conscription implies everyone will be conscripted, with the Bundeswehr deciding on how many conscripts it needs in the end.

Why is Discussing Compulsory Military Service Relevant Now?

This topic was sparked by Russia's aggression against Ukraine and Putin's threats against the West, as well as the manpower issues in the Bundeswehr. At the end of 2023, 181,514 soldiers remained in service, down from the previous year's 183,051. The Bundeswehr was supposed to grow to 203,000 individuals. This size was roughly the same as the troop strength in 2011, when mandatory military service was suspended.

And it's certain that voluntary military service can't close the ever-increasing gap. Currently, 10,347 young individuals are participating, out of over 700,000 graduates (representing only 1.5% of a year group).

Why Was Compulsory Military Service Halted?

The CDU, led by party leader Friedrich Merz (right) and Secretary General Carsten Linnemann (left), spoke out in favor of reintroducing compulsory military service at its federal party conference at the beginning of the week

Prior to 2010, the Military Service Act stipulated that every eligible man had to serve nine months in the Bundeswehr. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) shortened compulsory military service to six months and then suspended it for peacetime in July 2011. Since then, conscription has only applied during "states of tension or defense."

According to the draft law, the reasoning at the time was: "Given the permanently altered security and defense policy situation, the fundamental rights violations associated with conscription can no longer be justified."

Why Not Merely Reverse the Decision?

Because the general conscription system of that time was designed for a much larger Bundeswehr. In 1989, at the time of reunification, the Bundeswehr had 486,825 soldiers, more than double the current number. Neitzel: "200,000 to 300,000 conscripts exceed the system's capacity. There are no enough barracks, equipment, or trainers for such numbers."

Who Opposes Conscription?

The Greens, FDP, and the Left. The SPD is undecided, leaning more toward mandatory service that could involve social activities. So far, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has only stated that there will be no more "military service as before." As a result, it's highly doubtful that the traffic light coalition will reintroduce compulsory military service.

Former Chancellor Angela Merkel (69, CDU, l.) and her then Defense Minister, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU, r.), suspended compulsory military service in 2011

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