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German Land: Worm Wiggles Its Way Across

Sporadic showers and occasional sunshine mark Germany's weather over the past few days. Despite the rain, the season maintains a mild and spring-like ambience.

This weather map shows the amount of rain until next Thursday
This weather map shows the amount of rain until next Thursday

Storms with thunder and hail continuing until the weekend. - German Land: Worm Wiggles Its Way Across

As per the report by the German Weather Service (DWD), this weekend is predicted to be rainy and stormy.

Saturday will kick-off with heavy showers and clouds in the northwest and north. However, the rest of the day might remain dry until afternoon storms with heavy rainfall occur. Temperatures could reach 27°C during this time.

Sunday is said to experience a mix of sunlight and clouds. Shower possibilities, along with intense thunderstorms and heavy rain, are forecasted in northern and eastern regions starting in the afternoon. The temperature range would be 20-26°C.

The coming week will begin with a cloudy or extremely cloudy sky. DWD predicts that storms will progressively move from west to east, posing the risk of heavy downpour.

Moreover, the sunniest spots will seemingly be the area between the Baltic Sea and the Ore Mountains as well as eastern Bavaria. Temperature predictions include 19°C in Eifel and 28°C in Brandenburg.

When did summer actually vanish?

Summer or warmer weather conditions won't be making an appearance anytime soon. Instead, it looks like we'll get more unstable and colder conditions next weekend.

Weather specialist Brandt said, "The Azores High is positioned over Scandinavia, not Central Europe. This leads to the persistent wetness as the low pressure systems are blocked, thus not letting us have any respite from rain."

Rain is currently falling in Italy, France, Austria, and Switzerland. The Azores High's placement has a significant impact on the weather system across Europe.

Original text:

The weather map for Sunday afternoon: There may be heavy thunderstorms in the north and east

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