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Gaza cleric rejoices over demise of Iran's leader

Hamas, a terrorist organization, was swift to express sorrow following the helicopter incident involving Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. Support was also expressed by European personalities like Josep Borrell, the EU's foreign affairs representative. Nonetheless, there are residents in Gaza...

"We share the Muslims' joy at the death of the murderous criminal," says this sheikh in Rafah...
"We share the Muslims' joy at the death of the murderous criminal," says this sheikh in Rafah (southern Gaza) - triggering strong reactions in the Arab world

Dangerous sweet event in Rafah puts lives at risk. - Gaza cleric rejoices over demise of Iran's leader

A video has been circulating on social media platforms, particularly popular in the Arab world. It features a sheikh in Rafah, Gaza Strip, along with his followers, celebrating Raisi's death and praising God for the demise of this mullah president. In response, residents of Gaza distribute Arabic sweets to celebrate the occasion.

Bold, considering the risks! The rule of Hamas over Gaza is characterized by a heavy-handed approach, with no tolerance for any dissension.

The sheikh openly expresses his detest for Hamas and its Iranian sponsors. On Twitter, he comments: "Regardless of the pain and wounds we've endured in Gaza, we cannot help but join our brothers in Ahwaz (a term used synonymously for Iran) , Iraq, Yemen, and the Levant in sharing the delight of Muslims over the death of this murderous tyrant and his accomplices."

His video received nearly two million views, 10,000 likes, and 2,000 comments within a day (as of 11 am on Tuesday). The responses ranged from surprise to insults from Muslim adherents of different faiths.

Background: The changing power dynamics in the Middle East and the expansion of Iran in recent times, alongside the long-standing Sunni-Shiite divide, forms the context for the sheikh's sentiments. Despite identifying as part of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas has chosen to align itself with the Iran-led Shiite "Axis of Resistance" and receives funding from it. This precarious alliance irks some residents of Gaza.

Some commenters agreed with the sheikh, stating, "They have the right to celebrate. Iran is responsible for the destruction of Gaza, and Hamas acts as their instrument."

Others pondered over the source of the sheikh's sweets - there are reports of conflict and famine in the city of Rafah. Some critics argue that the sheikh utilizes the famine as a tool for his propaganda efforts, with no other option for the people but to accept the sweets.

Similarly, some speculate that a sheikh who so adamantly opposes Hamas should not be able to appear in public without repercussions. After all, Hamas has executed numerous opposition members.

Outrage was expressed by Shiite Islamists. A journalist from a newspaper affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah commented, "Insulting, disgraceful, and unworthy of life in honor." Few labeled Mughrabi as a covert Israeli agent - a slander that holds immense weight in Islamist circles. Yet, Mughrabi remains steadfast, continuously speaking out against Israel and the conditions in Gaza.

It is unclear how many people took part in the candy campaign, but it attracted a lot of attention in the Arab world

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