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Garden allotment leader murdered by tenant

Thomas S., a board member of the "Am Trützsch" allotment garden association, won't soon forget the events of July 28, 2023 - he was attacked and choked by a tenant, Justino T., who is now 60 years old. The man also leveled accusations against the garden manager, leading to a legal case.

Allotment garden manager Thomas S. (45) was attacked by one of his tenants
Allotment garden manager Thomas S. (45) was attacked by one of his tenants

Intensification at the barrier - Garden allotment leader murdered by tenant

In a shocking turn of events, a garden paradise turned into a crime scene! According to a resident, he was called urgently by one of the tenants, only to find the man not responding to his calls when he arrived at the garden. The 45-year-old claimed that, once inside the arbor, the tenant suddenly grabbed his neck, causing his eyes to go black and him to kneel.

Attempting to flee, Thomas S. (60) was confronted by the alleged attacker, who was also wielding an axe. However, Thomas S. refused to accept the accusations, asserting that he had owned his garden for 23 years. He believed there was a reason for the dispute; during a visit three days prior, the board member was observed pocketing something and shortly after, the resident's cell phone went missing.

The allotment garden association

Board member Thomas S. vehemently denies the cell phone theft. "Why would I steal a phone?" He filed charges instead. With Justino T. expelled from the club and losing his garden, Thomas S. also decided to give up his garden due to the escalation.

The defendant Justino T. (60) accused the head of the allotment garden of theft

The court was left with little choice but to dismiss the case against the garden tenant, given the lack of substantial evidence. "We couldn't establish the allegations regarding the phone," said Judge Arndt Fiedler (61). The marks on the victim's neck did not suggest severe injury, and with Thomas S. having no prior criminal record, his guilt was determined to be minimal.

There are 68 plots in the allotment garden site

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