The remarkable achievement of our European Song Contest candidate, Isaak. - Four years ago, Hartz 4 was a welfare recipient; currently, he performs for a global audience of 200 million people.
In the spring of 2020, mid-March, the singer received the news about all his gigs for the year being canceled. It made him and his wife Loreen very anxious. Isaak shared, "The fear was intense. Loreen felt worse than I did."
With no jobs left for Isaak, the "Eurovision Song Contest" contestant had to seek help at the job center. "It was challenging, the center was swamped with requests. It took several months before we received any financial aid. Our savings had been used up by then".
The support from their family members became critical during this period. "Without them, we couldn't have managed with just savings," said Isaak. "Everyone pitched in to help during this financially difficult time."

When financial aid finally came from the authorities, the singer felt relieved. Isaak stated, "We were now able to pay the rent and electricity bills. The fridge filled up again, and our child was taken care of. We couldn't go out as there was a lockdown in place. And with no gigs, it was a unique sense of freedom."
A positive period for Isaak's growth

Isaak admits that the situation turned out to be a blessing for his creative side. "As soon as I received the news about the canceled gigs, I started writing my own songs instead of playing covers. Lockdown was in March, and my first single came out in April. I was making music day and night in our home studio in the basement. It was a liberating feeling!"
The singer sums up his experience, "I consider my Hartz 4 period a positive thing for my growth. If not for corona, I would still be performing cover songs at weddings and city festivals."

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