Saarbrücken's Check for Tuning Affection - For seven cars, the license to operate had expired.
There was a noticeable red Golf car among the bunch, with some distinct irregularities. Its wheels were unregistered, a trim was unevenly attached with tape, and the side indicators looked blackened. The front license plate was also nowhere to be seen, hidden behind the windshield.
The driver himself was a familiar figure. He had previously been warned for issues with his vehicle. Not only was he unlicensed to drive, but his license plates had also been rendered invalid. As a consequence, the vehicle was impounded, and police enquiries were launched to explore the lack of a valid license.
The two experts, Raphael Laßotta from TÜV Rheinland and Thomas Schuster from the private Motor Vehicle Inspection Organization for Freelance Motor Vehicle Experts, were attentive to every detail. They aided the police officers, who had received training in manipulation of motor vehicles during their technical college course.

In a bid to evade the inspection, a driver tried to turn back when he spotted the checkpoint in the distance. This caught the officers' attention, prompting them to pursue him. A blood sample was hence ordered, suspecting him of intoxication while driving.
One driver attempted to be deceptive by attaching "clip-on caps" to his Shelby GT 500 Super Snake's brake lights (800 hp). Laßotta expressed concern over this, stating that these non-permanent caps obstructed the traffic-crucial brake light illumination.

In all, the four-hour inspection uncovered that the operating license had expired for seven vehicles. Defects required addressing for another seven automobiles. One driver was traveling with dangerously worn tires.
For one Porsche driver, a careless move during departure resulted in bumper and mudguard damage to his car when he struck a bollard.

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