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Flies and Their Health Risks: An Overview

In the summer, flies become a common problem due to the increased number of open windows and doors. People often complain about the high number of flies in this season.

Die Grillsaison startet: Schützen Sie Bratwurst und Bauchfleisch vor den nervigen Schädlingen,...
Die Grillsaison startet: Schützen Sie Bratwurst und Bauchfleisch vor den nervigen Schädlingen, sonst drohen Gesundheitsrisiken

Irritating and unclean. - Flies and Their Health Risks: An Overview

A fly outbreak cannot be verified by the German Nature Preservation Union, the Federal Environmental Agency, or the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation using data. Nonetheless, the persistent humming in the ears persists.

Not only is this nuisance annoying, but it's also unsanitary. Whether fruit flies, kitchen flies, or house flies: They all carry harmful organisms with them, such as salmonella, E. coli bacteria (related to food poisoning), or worms. They disseminate them by consuming fruit, sausage, and cheese from the breakfast table and contaminating the food with their feces - flies must do this every two hours. A health risk!

Furthermore, for instance, meat flies are drawn to lay their eggs in meat, from which larvae hatch within a few hours in the summer. In three to four weeks, a new generation is born. Consumption of contaminated food is prohibited.

Let flies have no chance

Since flies primarily enter the house through windows but never re-exit, it's prudent to be proactive.

The insects are primarily drawn to the odor of food or animal feed. Hence, the first piece of advice: Never leave any leftover food.

That's how you prevent flies from entering the house

► No unwashed dinner plates

► Install insect screens on windows

► Daily clean cat litter boxes, as feces and urine attract flies

► In the summer, empty garbage cans and trash cans on a daily basis and seal garbage bags tightly

► Don't open windows in the sun: Flies enjoy warmth

► Use scents: Some scents lure flies, while others repel them. Orange and lemon peels with carnations on the windowsill deter flies. Additionally, tomato plants, basil, geraniums, mint, laurel, lavender, and essential oils repel flies.

If a single fly manages to slip in...

► Store fruit that isn't meant for the refrigerator in a covered basket to shield it

► Electronic or manual fly swatters can be effective against the pests

► Sticky traps may prove helpful. Other fly traps and insect sprays are also useful

► The most eco-friendly approach: Provide food for flies

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