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Five tips for a strong and healthy heart

Mental well-being contributes significantly to overall health, beyond clinical data, healthy diets, and regular exercise. Experts share their top recommendations with the Sun on maintaining a healthy heart.

Kümmern Sie sich um Ihr Herz, rund vier Millionen Menschen leiden hierzulande an einer...
Kümmern Sie sich um Ihr Herz, rund vier Millionen Menschen leiden hierzulande an einer Herzschwäche

Sex, without caffeine, and third generation (3G) technology. - Five tips for a strong and healthy heart

### Friendship's Magic

Embracing sociability makes your heart pump with excitement. Dr. Gosia Wamil, a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, points out that engaging in community gatherings like craft sessions, culinary clubs, or literature circles is great for your ticker. On the other hand, loneliness and isolation can increase the possibility of heart-related complications.

Her words of wisdom, "Social networks can lead to a lower blood pressure and less stress, both of which contribute positively to heart health."

Gardening; A Healthy Pursuit

Maintaining a garden is a rewarding venture for your well-being. Dr. Wamil asserts, "Gardening is a strenuous hobby, and it promotes cardiovascular health by enhancing physical activity. This activity, known to diminish the risk of heart diseases, has been witnessed in a study of 146,000 individuals above 65 years old. Gardeners exhibited a significantly reduced risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other detrimental illnesses."

Zen Out

Calm your body, calm your heart. As per Dr. Wamil, taking out time to chillax is essential for long-term heart health.

She elucidates, "Studies reaffirm that meditation improves heart health by fostering low blood pressure and reducing stress. The methods employed in these studies may involve stress management and better emotional control."

Game of Love

Sex acts as a stress reliever; it's more amusing than sports! According to intimacy expert Agnieszka Kozlowska, individuals who have an active love life experience a lower risk of heart-related issues such as heart attacks and strokes. Sex triggers the release of feel-good chemicals including endorphins and oxytocin, which decrease stress hormones like cortisol, related to heightened blood pressure, and other cardiovascular dangers.

Decaf Diplomacy

Boost your heart health with some de-caf java. Dr. Dave Nichols, a general practitioner at the British National Health Service (NHS), notes that high caffeine consumption harms your cardiovascular system, causing heart palpitations and promptly elevated blood pressure.

Be mindful too about other beverages such as cola and energy drinks. Consuming them post-dusk could disrupt your sleep; detrimental to heart health!

Do remember; it is beneficial to take care of your health early on. Once your heart sustains damage, its innate capabilities to heal are limited.

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