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Fisherman goes missing in the Baltic Sea

Urgency for a fisherman: Various emergency services scoured the Greifswalder Bodden in search of a potential missing person due to an abandoned inflatable boat.

Also on a search mission: a rescue cruiser from the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service...
Also on a search mission: a rescue cruiser from the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (symbolic photo)

Untenanted dinghy - Fisherman goes missing in the Baltic Sea

Over the weekend, a team on a recreational boat noted an abandoned inflatable craft with fishing gear off the coast near Thiessow (a part of Mönchgut municipality). The authorities later learned of this, and by morning, the water police were notified.

It's presumed that someone might have fallen into the water between this location and where the boat is found. However, no one has been discovered yet.

Efforts to locate the missing person are being made by the German Maritime Search and Rescue Service (DGzRS) using a rescue vessel, two smaller vessels, Northern Rescue 2, a naval helicopter, a customs boat, as well as other fire brigade and water police units with their vessels.

As the search progresses, it turns out that the dinghy had gone missing two days ago, as reported by its owner in Poland.

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