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First conviction for the "Gorch Fock" affair

The refurbishing of the German Navy's sail training vessel "Gorch Fock" came with a massive price tag of 135 million euros, significantly more than the initial estimate of 10 million euros.

Convicted: Peter G. (67) sits between his lawyers
Convicted: Peter G. (67) sits between his lawyers

The court intervenes. - First conviction for the "Gorch Fock" affair

The significant rise in expenses at the Elsfleth shipyard was mainly due to various people embezzling funds.

A series of court verdicts have been issued. Peter G. (67), the former naval cost auditor, has received a suspended prison sentence of one year and ten months, ordered by the regional court. This punishment was for his involvement in five cases. He collected 837,000 euros through approving inflated invoices. He is required to return this amount.

Peter G. confessed to the claims. His voluntary disclosure triggered the ongoing scandal involving the Elsfleth shipyard and the "Gorch Fock."

Two more defendants were given fines for providing advantages, as informed by a court representative. A 54-year-old man incurred a fine of 5,000 euros, while a 38-year-old woman had to pay 6,000 euros.

The further legal procedures against the other three defendants, including the former board members of the shipyard, Klaus W. (55) and Marcus R. (55), will commence on Tuesday in the Weser-Ems-Hall in Oldenburg.

Proud ship: The

The prosecution claims that Klaus W. (55) and Marcus R. (55) orchestrated the 7.2 million euro fraud. According to them, they swindled the naval arsenal in Wilhelmshaven by using increased billings and fictitious time records from 2014 to 2018.

The judiciary has allocated 39 trial days for this trial. A judgment is not anticipated until the end of the year, at the earliest.

The "Gorch Fock," a vessel built in 1958 measuring 89-meters long, was undergoing repairs from December 2015 until September 2021. Since then, the sailing vessel has been revisiting the world's seas, carrying officer cadets.

Must continue to answer for his actions: former shipyard boss Klaus W. (55, right) with his lawyer

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