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Firefighters avert devastation in apartment complex with 80 members.

Eighty firefighters attempted to avert a catastrophe by putting their utmost efforts into extinguishing the fire.

Firefighters fight the fire on the 4th floor from the turntable ladder. Dense smoke rises into the...
Firefighters fight the fire on the 4th floor from the turntable ladder. Dense smoke rises into the blue sky

Flames erupted from the balcony. - Firefighters avert devastation in apartment complex with 80 members.

Around 10:42 AM, people renting a six-story apartment building on Hauptstraße in Bad Honnef-Rhöndorf noticed smoke entering the hallway from an apartment on the fourth floor. In response, a fire truck swiftly dispatched to the scene and called for more assistance upon arrival.

When the firefighters neared the location, they already noticed flames erupting from both an apartment and its balcony on the fourth floor. Plastic cladding from the burning apartment was even melting and dropping onto floors below, putting awnings, cladding, and shrubs in front of the house at risk of catching fire.

After about 30 minutes, the blaze was successfully contained and stopped from engulfing the entire house. However, aside from the destroyed apartment, four additional apartments are presently rendered unusable. Lennart Gerlach, the fire department's spokesperson, confirmed that thankfully, no injuries were reported.

When the fire department arrived, flames were shooting out of the balcony and burning plastic was dripping into the floors below

The cause of the blaze remains unknown, and the criminal investigation department is now probing the incident. The only certain fact is that the fire ignited while the tenant was away.

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