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Finally, chocolate without sugar has arrived.

Chocolate enthusiasts will be delighted to learn about a new, healthier, and more eco-friendly type of chocolate created by Swiss scientists, which doesn't contain any added sugar.

Wie lieben Süßes: Pro Jahr gönnen sich die Deutschen im Schnitt rund 9,2 Kilo Schokolade
Wie lieben Süßes: Pro Jahr gönnen sich die Deutschen im Schnitt rund 9,2 Kilo Schokolade

Scientists have created these. - Finally, chocolate without sugar has arrived.

If you're a fan of cats, listen up: A new type of chocolate has been developed that not only tastes similar to regular chocolate but also boasts a better nutritional profile. The team behind this discovery, led by Kim Mishra from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH), reported their findings in the journal "Nature Food."

A Healthier Alternative: The Inside Scoop on Chocolate Making

What's their secret? Well, they incorporated cocoa bean components into their chocolate, but that's not all! They also utilized the inner part of the cocoa fruit shell and the fruit flesh and turned it into a sweet jelly – a replacement for sugar in the chocolate.

This innovative modification not only lowers the content of unhealthy saturated fatty acids (23 grams instead of the traditional 33 grams in dark chocolate) but also boosts the fiber content from approximately 12 grams per 100 grams to 15 grams, which is beneficial for adults who are advised to consume at least 30 grams of fiber daily.

A Chocolate Revolution with Potential Environmental Benefits

Cocoa beans are the primary focus of regular chocolate production. However, they only represent a fraction of the entire fruit. This results in a significant land requirement for a meager amount of chocolate, coupled with high emissions from the manufacturing process.

Environmentally friendly and economically beneficial: The Swiss researchers envision that through this novel recipe, emissions could be reduced and small farmers would receive additional income from the sale of the other parts of the fruit.

But when can you expect to find this healthy chocolate on your supermarket shelves? It's unclear at the moment. Although they've already filed a patent for their recipe, further steps are necessary to ensure that the entire production chain can live up to their expectations.

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