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Fear of rodents at a daycare facility.

Large black and gray rats with long, bald tails are causing concern at the Maria Magdalena Protestant daycare center in Hamburg's Lurup neighborhood, as parents worry for their children's safety.

Rund um den Außenbereich der Kita sind Warnzettel angebracht, die vor ausgebrachtem Rattengift...
Rund um den Außenbereich der Kita sind Warnzettel angebracht, die vor ausgebrachtem Rattengift warnen

Animals Move Among Playful Kids - Fear of rodents at a daycare facility.

The 90-student inclusive kindergarten with five classes carries the slogan, "Diversity is normal."

A representative from the western Hamburg church district voiced their frustration: "These days, if they want to play outside, they must go to a neighboring sports field. Where does this revolting vermin, which can spread disease, come from?"

The concerned church representative hypothesized: "Perhaps a broken sewer pipe in the underground caused the soil to sink, making way for the rats to discover and create passageways to the surface."

Another suspected cause: The overflowing garbage bins of a nearby refugee shelter, providing ideal food for the rodent population.

Spitze Schnauze, 16 scharfe Zähne: Eine Wanderratte (lat.: rattus norvegicus) lebt im Untergrund, frisst alles, was sie kriegen kann

Actions have been taken. The previous garbage containers have been removed, and new mobile ones have taken their place. The district office of Altona is involved, as well as a professional pest controller who has assessed the situation, and set up rat poison traps.

The length of time it will take to resolve the issue is unspecified. Regular checks are being made. They reassure us: "We're making every effort to solve this problem promptly." Parents also hope for a resolution, so their children's safety concerns are eased.

Der Eingang zur Kita „Maria Magdalena“. Auf dem Schild wird darauf hingewiesen, dass noch Plätze frei sind

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