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Fear of massive fine looms over Lautern

A significant amount of the funds raised through the tournament will undoubtedly be used once more.

Das Olympiastadion in Rauch gehüllt: Immer wieder wurden im Lauterer Block Bengalos und Raketen...
Das Olympiastadion in Rauch gehüllt: Immer wieder wurden im Lauterer Block Bengalos und Raketen gezündet

Due to constant fireworks and missiles. - Fear of massive fine looms over Lautern

The German football club 1. FC Kaiserslautern has received 9.56 million Euros from the TV pool this season, even after losing 0:1 in the final against Bayer Leverkusen. However, a significant portion of this money has been spent on player bonuses, and the FCK might be asked for more by the German Football Association (DFB). During the match, there were several instances where Bengalos were set off in the Lautern block, rockets were fired onto the pitch, and the stadium roof was targeted.

It took only a few minutes for referee Dankert to start the second half, and DFB officials recorded numerous notes and images of Lautern's fan section.

Due to ongoing pyrotechnics and rockets, Lautern may face heavy penalties.

In December 2022, the DFB had fined 1. FC Köln 595,000 euros for pyrotechnic offenses by their own fans. This amount was later reduced to 420,000 euros.

FCK Managing Director Thomas Hengen (49) is already concerned about the potential financial consequences.

Hengen said, "I hope it won't be as bad as last time, but we know how this works. The penalties increase every year. We need to find a solution and perhaps even collaborate with the DFL to discuss the entire issue. This can't go on like this, constantly asking the club to pay."

The former player continued, "The choreography was impressive, and the Bengalos were more or less acceptable within certain limits, but there was also a lot of shooting taking place. If the game needs to be stopped, the fine is naturally higher. But I hope it won't be that high this time."

It remains to be seen whether the DFB will consider their request.

Befürchtet eine hohe Strafe: FCK-Geschäftsführer Thomas Hengen

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