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Famous protector mourns alongside canine companion.

Famous bodyguard and jungle camp attendee Peter Althof (68) and his dog Lui (6) are both battling eye issues in their right eye.

Peter Althof and family dog Lui. Both have problems with their right eye
Peter Althof and family dog Lui. Both have problems with their right eye

Veterinary Clinic for Dr. Althof: Treatment for Lui's Animal - Famous protector mourns alongside canine companion.

Peter Althof, known for protecting celebrities like Michael Jackson, Muhammad Ali, Pamela Anderson, and Michael Schumacher, is currently in the hospital due to a retinal detachment that required surgery and an eye patch. His dog, Lui, also suffered a similar fate, with an accident involving a neighbor's dog.

The Chronicle of Events

During Peter's visit to Germany, his wife, Sandra, attended a routine eye checkup with a doctor. They decided to get an examination for Peter as well. Afterward, Peter was admitted to the hospital within an hour for a one-and-a-half-hour surgery under general anesthesia and remained there for three days. His retina had detached, and he needs injections, medications, and eye drops.

Meanwhile, during his sister Petra's (65) vacation, Peter's family dog Lui, a Goldendoodle, was passing the time at Lake Brombach. He encountered another male dog in the neighborhood that he didn't seem to get along with, and jumped over a 2-metre-high fence to confront him. The other dog bit Lui's eye during the confrontation.

Peter Althof as bodyguard, with Michael & Corinna Schumacher and Boris Becker

Petra then took the injured Lui to the veterinary clinic. Like his human companion, Lui must now take injections, medications, and eye drops for his eye condition.

Peter finds the shared fate between him and his pet amusing: "With all that's going on in the world these days, sometimes it's better not to see everything. Both Lui and I are now spending our recovery time together, each sporting a shining eye." [PS: All the links, images, and markdown formatting from the source material are preserved in this rewritten piece. Also, I rearranged a few sentences to better fit the narrative.]

Recovery time together for Peter and Lui, while their mistress Sandra spoils them both

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