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Exploring the details of the show "Auf Streife".

Check out details on the narrative, broadcast schedule, and notable characters found in the show "Auf Streife."

"Auf Streife" has been broadcast daily on Sat1 since 2013
"Auf Streife" has been broadcast daily on Sat1 since 2013

Storyline, timeline, characters - Exploring the details of the show "Auf Streife".

Adventurous crimes and dangerous operations.

The Sat.1 showcase "Auf Streife" often showcases captivating stories about the police.

What "Auf Streife" is centered around

"Auf Streife" is a simulated reality series on Sat.1 that initially aired in May 2013. It is a documentary-style show, featuring real officers conducting patrols and experiencing arrests, checks, or unanticipated events. The depicted scenarios, however, are not real. In the words of the broadcaster, most of the officers on screen are real police officers.

Additional programs stemming from the police show include "Auf Streife - Spezial," which delves into the work of customs and other professions, and "Auf Streife - Berlin," with a regional slant.

When and where to catch "Auf Streife"

Sat.1's series "Auf Streife" airs on weekdays at 2:00 p.m. and can be found on Sat.1, with streaming options available on Joyn.

The cast currently involved

  • Melina Hoffmann
  • Georg Kuhn
  • Julian Zimmling
  • Patrick Stiller
  • Paul Schwarz
  • Hauke Mertesacker
  • Stephan Sindera
  • Hannah Becker
Police officers Hannah Becker and Stephan Sindera

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