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Erfurt Zoo welcomes newborn baby elephant

The newborn elephant is joyfully bounding through the elephant enclosure, skillfully maneuvering between its older companions.

Der kleine Elefantenbulle kam am Montagvormittag in Erfurt auf die Welt
Der kleine Elefantenbulle kam am Montagvormittag in Erfurt auf die Welt

Heavily-weighted progeny - Erfurt Zoo welcomes newborn baby elephant

At 11:13 am on a Monday, in the Erfurt Zoo, a small male elephant was welcomed into the world. After 638 days of carrying the baby, it was finally here!

"The elephant calf was born in the midst of the herd, consisting of three grown-up cows named Safari, Casmi, and Chupa, as well as a nearly 4-year-old big sister named Ayoka," said Inga Hettstedt, the deputy manager, in the evening.

Hettstedt added more details: "The new little elephant and his mother, Chupa, are both doing just fine. At 2:22 pm, he had his first drink." To ensure the herd can get used to the new addition without any disturbance, the elephant enclosure will stay closed for a few days.

The Erfurt Zoo takes pride in having the largest elephant enclosure for African elephants in Germany. It's where little Ayoka, their first elephant calf from 2020, had grown up.

Das Elefantenkalb läuft zwischen den Beinen der anderen Dickhäutern der Herde herum

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