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Erection difficulties tackled by magnetic waves.

Erectile dysfunction affects a significant proportion of men, with approximately one in ten men over 40 and one in three over 60 globally experiencing this issue.

One in ten men aged 40 and over is affected by erectile dysfunction
One in ten men aged 40 and over is affected by erectile dysfunction

Is it truly effective? - Erection difficulties tackled by magnetic waves.

Sometimes, the root cause of erectile dysfunction isn't clear at first glance. As a result, finding a solution can take a while.

Magnetic wave treatment

A group of Argentinian scientists thinks they've uncovered a solution for many men: In a small study with 20 middle-aged males, they used magnetic pulses to tackle "erectile dysfunction." These were directed towards the groin region to stimulate and fortify the muscles near the penis - twice a week for 30 minutes, totaling 8 weeks.

The outcome? One patient completely eliminated his erectile dysfunction, while 14 had considerably milder symptoms compared to before. Though the study is limited, it shows promise for some men.

But it's not a magic bullet, as the reasons behind erectile dysfunction vary vastly. These include diabetes, hormonal issues, arteriosclerosis, neurological conditions, and sleep apnea, among others.

Pelvic floor exercises

Nonetheless, pelvic floor exercises are suggested for maintaining sexual performance. Actually, magnetic waves are also employed to treat urinary and fecal incontinence. By strengthening these muscles, they enhance control or, in the event of potency issues, lead to a firmer penis.

Interestingly, penis training can be accomplished without external help. Research from Sweden reveals that men who had frequent erections in their youth tend to have fewer issues with potency in their later years. Regular penile engorgement helps escape impotence when older.

"It's not hard to see how this would work," say the study's authors. "If you excel in an activity, your body gets better at it over time."

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