Deadly demonstration in courtroom. - Environmental activists descend A4 motorway using ropes.
In retrospect: On November 27, 2020, around 8 a.m., Bernhard B. (age 28), André S. (age 44), Marcel S. (age 33), and Sophie K. (age 38) took control of the bridge over the A4 near the Dresden West freeway interchange. Bernhard B. and André S. rappelled down the bridge railing, while the other three accomplices assisted with the takeover. They hoisted a ten-meter-wide banner with the message "Traffic Turnaround Instead of Climate Crisis."
The highway had to be locked down entirely to shield the bridge's supports. The climate activists refused to end the action and instead compelled police to involve a special task force from the Saxony police. These professionals specializing in high-altitude interventions quickly tied off to the main defendants, transporting them back onto the bridge. The roadway wasn't cleared for another five hours.
The legal system defended the delay of the case by citing the replacement of a judge and an unmanageable caseload involving many deportation instances. The charged climate radicals, donning sunglasses, baseball caps, and face masks, were unapologetic about their actions.

Lack of Remorse
No Apologies: Marcel S. spoke before the city court, affirming that protests and actions are vital for the traffic transition, though he remained mum on his crime. Bridge hanger André S. justified his conduct based on road fatalities and environmental protection: "Cars serve as murder weapons while further death roads are being constructed."

The climate activists vehemently denied the coercion charge. "The traffic could've bypassed us. They could've just shut down the lane under me. Never was our intention to close down the highway completely."
The defense has petitioned for the acquittal of the suspects, reasoning that their action was safeguarded by the Assembly Act.The trial at Dresden District Court will resume on the following Friday.

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