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Environment Minister abolishes monument honoring climate change

In its early days, the "bronze sphere from Eckensee" aroused controversy as a monument in southwestern Stuttgart. However, over time, numerous locals have developed a strong affection for this intriguing sculpture outside the opera house. Now, unexpectedly, it faces removal.

Finance Minister Daniel Bayaz (40, Greens) is concerned about the sharp edges of the climate...
Finance Minister Daniel Bayaz (40, Greens) is concerned about the sharp edges of the climate memorial

The SPD is shocked by the incident. - Environment Minister abolishes monument honoring climate change

Reflecting on the past: June 28, 2021 saw a storm in Stuttgart that caused a 2-ton section of the opera roof to be blown away.

The SPD member of the state parliament, Martin Rivoir (63), proposed placing that huge ball of scrap metal as a symbol of resistance to global warming and the potential environmental hazards that come with it. Bayaz, the finance minister, arranged for the pile of metal to be put in the lake at a cost of 25,000 euros.

Many residents of Stuttgart were upset about the scrap metal memorial. However, they eventually got used to it. Now, a replica of the monument can be found on the stage set for the opera performance "Mahagonny."

Citizens and political celebrities attended the memorial inauguration two years ago

Bayaz's finance ministry is now facing issues with the "copper ball." Spokesman Sebastian Engelmann (39) explains, "It was made clear right from the beginning that the ball would only be in Eckensee for a limited time, only because of a three-year exemption from the Monuments Office."

During the upcoming European Football Championships, there's a risk of fan celebrations involving people climbing onto the "copper ball" and getting hurt on its sharp edges. Engelmann states, "The State Mint is evaluating whether it can use the copper. Unfortunately, it can't be used for something like a Climate Altar."

In the opera production of

A crane has been hired for next Thursday to pick up the scrap art and put it in containers. Later, it will be taken to the scrapyard.

Should the "copper ball" be removed? App users, cast your votes here.

SPD MP Martin Rivoir (63) is fighting against the demolition of the monument

Rivoir, the SPD politician, has expressed his concerns in a letter to the minister, stating, "The copper ball has become iconic and must remain in its current location."

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