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Engaging in intimate acts in a vacant dwelling.

Police apprehended a tipsy couple engaging in a sexual act in an unoccupied dwelling within the Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz locale.

Police caught an intoxicated couple having sex in an empty house in the district of Neumarkt in der...
Police caught an intoxicated couple having sex in an empty house in the district of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz (SYMBOL PHOTO)

A couple was nabbed by law enforcement authorities. - Engaging in intimate acts in a vacant dwelling.

In Postbauer-Heng, on a Wednesday, a 39-year-old lady and a 49-year-old man broke a basement window and entered the premises.

According to reports from Thursday, a witness saw the two engaging in a sexual act and promptly contacted the police. Currently, the woman and the man are under investigation for causing damage to property and unlawful entry.

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