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Employee Passes Away in Healthcare Facility at Age 34

Last week, an explosion occurred at the Dalum drying plant, leading to a fire department intervention. One worker suffered severe injuries and subsequently passed away in the hospital.

Die brennende Produktionshalle des Trocknungswerkes in Dalum
Die brennende Produktionshalle des Trocknungswerkes in Dalum

7-day time frame following the blast - Employee Passes Away in Healthcare Facility at Age 34

The cops have revealed details now. A 34-year-old man endured critical burn wounds as a result of a fire in a drying pet food production hall from a Lower Saxony firm. The blaze ignited pieces of debris and scraps, as well as sent giant flames into the sky. A staggering 100 firemen were part of the assignment.

Two more staff members (29, 30) lightly sustained damage, but the 34-year-old needed to be helicoptered to a specialized clinic in Bochum, North Rhine-Westphalia. Unfortunately, the guy didn't make it and lost his life.

Damage inflicted by the blast is presumed to be around 1.5 million euros. The reason for the blaze is still unknown, with professionals engaged in the fire scene evaluation and probing. The police are handling the case.

Ein Rettungshubschrauber flog den Schwerverletzten in eine Spezialklinik

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