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Employee experiences collapse on top of gas station.

The worker carried on with his tasks, then climbed up to a fuel station's roof. All of a sudden, he collapsed. The firefighters rescued the man on Wednesday night, saving his life.

Emergency on the roof of a petrol station in Dortmund
Emergency on the roof of a petrol station in Dortmund

Perplexing incident - Employee experiences collapse on top of gas station.

In the evening, at approximately 9:30 p.m., the fire department received an emergency call from the Dortmund control center to attend to the Shell gas station on Schützenstraße.

A technician had gone up to the petrol station's roof to work on the air conditioning system. Unfortunately, the man suddenly fainted and lost consciousness. To prevent any risks, the power in the building was shut off. After that, the fire department's turntable ladder was utilized to rescue the worker from the roof.

District government: "No work accident!"

The district government's occupational safety division from Arnsberg commented on the incident:

"It was a medical emergency. The individual was taken to the hospital for treatment. He is now recovering," said Söbbeler on Thursday. The representative added: "There wasn't an electric shock involved. Therefore, this wasn't a work-related accident."

The person might have fainted due to a previous health condition.

According to initial information, it was supposed to be an accident at work. The district government denied this on Thursday

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