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Rescue workers lead the seriously injured man out of the station underpass
Rescue workers lead the seriously injured man out of the station underpass

Father's Day Stabbing Incident - Emergency responders save individual with blood injury at train platform

In the north-west of Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, on a Thursday evening, an altercation escalated to a stabbing incident. A 33-year-old man sustained severe wounds.

The police report states that a verbal dispute had previously occurred at the Lütten Klein S-Bahn station. Reportedly, four individuals from each group were present during the holidays. The argument began over the holidays, with the groups exchanging words over the tracks. However, the conflict intensified when they ran into each other again in the underpass.

Drunk and aggressive, the groups took a violent turn in their dispute. One of the attackers produced a knife and thrust it into the upper right arm of the 33-year-old man. He crumpled, bleeding.

The police arrived at the Warnowallee tunnel shortly after the stabbing with multiple patrol cars from the local and national police force. By then, the perpetrators had fled the scene.

The bloody traces of the knife attack can be seen on the tunnel floor

Medical professionals and an emergency doctor tended to the wounded man. The victim, his clothes stained with blood, required supportive assistance to be removed from the tunnel and placed in an ambulance.

The injured man was transported to the hospital. The police initiated an investigation for causing grievous bodily harm. The tunnel has a security camera, which may provide critical evidence for the investigators.

Ambulance and police at the scene of the crime in Rostock

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