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Emergency responders attacked; assailant flees following violent altercation.

A man (20) was shot in Berlin-Neukölln, likely due to a fierce disagreement between two hostile individuals. The assailant is currently at large.

Die Straße in Neukölln, auf der es zur Schuss-Attacke kam. Beamte und Rettungskräfte mussten...
Die Straße in Neukölln, auf der es zur Schuss-Attacke kam. Beamte und Rettungskräfte mussten hinzukommende Männer zurückhalten

Relatives convene outside the healthcare facility. - Emergency responders attacked; assailant flees following violent altercation.

Today at 1pm, gunfire echoed along Lipschitzallee. A young man of 20 years was struck, crumpling before an onlooker, and was severely wounded.

While medical personnel were busy treating the 20-year-old, increasingly rowdy and inebriated men congregated in the area. It took a considerable police force to reign in the throng and restore order. At least one person was temporarily taken into custody.

Die Polizei sperrte den Tatort mit Flatterband ab

At the hospital, the medical staff was doing everything they could to save the young man's life. Yet, as the day wore on, more and more family members assembled outside the clinic. Based on police statements and witness accounts, these relatives had become so violent toward the rescuers and hospital staff that the hospital required police protection!

Zahlreiche Familienmitglieder des Opfers hatten sich am Sonntag vor der Klinik versammelt

A police vehicle is still stationed in front of the Neukölln clinic on Monday. Thankfully, the situation had settled overnight. Relatives weren't seen laying about anymore.

Die Polizei ist auch am Montag an der Klinik, die Lage hat sich aber beruhigt

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