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Election poster featuring a politician and kickboxing champion exhibits offensive racial content.

On a poster, someone removed his eyes and penned down upsetting phrases. It seems like this man belongs to a Sinti clan.

Victim of racist agitation: Marlon Reinhardt runs for the Free Voters in Koblenz
Victim of racist agitation: Marlon Reinhardt runs for the Free Voters in Koblenz

Inquiry into instigation of animosity - Election poster featuring a politician and kickboxing champion exhibits offensive racial content.

The kickbox champion and entrepreneur Marlon Reinhardt (33), who is running for a position on Koblenz's city council as a Free Voter, has been targeted in a despicable racist attack. His election poster bears the vile statement, "Send all Gypsies to the gas chamber," directed at him and his family who has resided in Koblenz for a century.

Reinhardt understands that this isn't just an isolated incident but a clear signal of the growing "Antiziganism" - the hatred towards the Sinti and Roma community, which was tragically victimized and exterminated by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

This is what winners look like: Reinhardt (left) immediately after his title victory with teammate Raffael Fischbein

He confidently states that the attack was not the work of mere mischievous youths, but rather someone who knew precisely what they were doing. This offensive language was also directed towards his well-known musician father, Django Heinrich Reinhardt (62), and alluded to the genocide of over 500,000 Sinti and Roma under Hitler's regime.

The local politician is also the reigning kickboxing world champion

The vile threats don't end here. In recent days, posters belonging to Stephan Wefelscheid, the leader of the Free Voters in Rhineland-Palatinate, have equally been destroyed, bearing disturbing images and derogatory comments. Wefelscheid is a member of the state assembly and a supporter of Marlon Reinhardt, prompting speculation that he was targeted due to his stance against the abusive comments towards the candidate.

Politician, entrepreneur and kickboxing world champion! In February 2024, Marlon Reinhardt was honored as

The police are currently examining these instances under the charge of "insulting public officials."

Vandalism and agitation also on posters of Free Voters state leader Stephan Wefelscheid

Marlon Reinhardt emphasizes the significance of standing up for human rights, democracy, and freedom, especially during the 75th year of the German Basic Law.

Entrepreneur, kickboxer, musician and admonisher: Marlon Reinhardt (left) and jazz musician Taylor Swing at the former Ravensbrück concentration camp when a memorial plaque for the deceased Sinti and Roma was unveiled

Ultimately, young people should be encouraged to be curious, compassionate, and open-minded individuals who can contribute to a culturally diverse society.

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