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Elderly person (84 years old) has accident with Audi vehicle.

An elderly cyclist, aged 84 years, sustained severe injuries after crashing into an Audi in Kuchen at approximately 4:10 p.m. on a Saturday.

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Sweet baked dessert - Elderly person (84 years old) has accident with Audi vehicle.

An elderly man on a bicycle was traveling along the path between Im Espan and the junction of Silcherstraße/Freiheitsstraße when a 42-year-old Audi driver was cruising down Silcherstraße, heading toward Hauptstraße. The Audi had the right of way but the 84-year-old failed to notice it, crossing the intersection and smashing into the car. The impact caused the senior citizen to be thrown onto the road, resulting in severe leg injuries. Luckily, he had a helmet on to protect his head. A helicopter for rescue was called in to transport the injured man to the hospital.

The cost to repair the pedelec is projected to be around 1000 euros, while the Audi will need approximately 3000 euros worth of repairs. The local transportation department in Mühlhausen has begun looking into the cause of the accident.

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