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Elderly person (81 years old) collides with car wash, causing severe damage to employee.

During sunny periods when pollen fills the atmosphere, car wash businesses experience high demand.

Der Mercedes krachte mit hoher Geschwindigkeit in die Waschanlage
Der Mercedes krachte mit hoher Geschwindigkeit in die Waschanlage

Entrapped beneath a Mercedes - Elderly person (81 years old) collides with car wash, causing severe damage to employee.

On weekends, things can get hectic at laundromats across the country. But on a Saturday afternoon in Bünde, North Rhine-Westphalia, a tragic incident took place. A man in his eighties was attempting to wash his Mercedes SUV at a laundromat on Stellwerkstrasse when a devastating accident occurred. Multiple vehicles and the laundromat itself sustained significant damage, while one employee was left severely injured.

Did the driver mistakenly press the gas pedal instead of the brake?

According to the authorities, this incident happened around 1:20 pm. With several cars already lined up at the laundromat, the driver would have had to apply the brakes and wait his turn. However, it seems a terrible mistake happened.

"The driver, instead of stopping his Mercedes at the right time, pressed down on the gas pedal and collided with another car inside the laundromat," reports a police officer. The force of the crash knocked an employee (42 years old) to the ground and trapped him under the Mercedes.

Over 120,000 euros worth of damage

"The injured employee was rushed to the hospital for further medical attention," the officer adds.

Due to the violent impact of the collision, a Ford, a Peugeot, and an Opel were all pushed together within the laundromat. The overall damage caused by this event was estimated at around 120,000 euros.

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