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Elderly person (76 years old) subdued by masked assailants.

A pair of masked offenders subdued a 76-year-old homeowner in Humboldtstraße last Wednesday (15.05.) around 7 p.m. as she was opening her front door.

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Kelsterbach: The Location of the Cannabis Incident - Elderly person (76 years old) subdued by masked assailants.

Some crooks managed to bond up an elderly person and made off with some moolah and bling. The old-timer found a way to break loose later and get in touch with the law through a friend. She got a few small scratches in the process.

A high-speed search mission hasn't found these guys yet. The two guys on the run have a stocky frame, wore masks covering their faces, and dressed in green attire. People who saw something suspicious in the region of the crime spot around the time it took place, or noticed any questionable vehicles or individuals, are urged to call the police in Rüsselsheim's criminal investigation department at 06142/6960.

Note: The content of this text is derived from official details given by the authorities, with the aid of AI.

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